Kickstart your goals with the Do Anything Loan!
The Best Loan for ANYTHING! From vacations to life changes, furniture and appliances to debt consolidation; sometimes you just need some extra cash to take care of life’s big-ticket items. That’s why we invented the Anything Loan – only from Mid Carolina Credit Union!
Minimum $1,000 Loan Amount
Rates as low as 6.99% APR*
*APR= Annual Percentage Rate. Debt consolidation is available only for loans financed by other institutions. Proof of residency and income verification is required. 6.99% APR is lowest promotional rate, must qualify to receive. All loans are subject to creditworthiness and credit approval. $1,000 Minimum loan amount and new money only. Some restrictions apply, see a MCCU Representative for complete details. Promotion valid Jan. 1, 2025, through March 31, 2025, and subject to change at any time. Federally insured by NCUA. An Equal Housing Lender.